What is Trigger Finger & Trigger Thumb?
Trigger finger and trigger thumb are common conditions that can affect people of all ages, are more common in women than men and cause pain and restriction in the affected finger or thumb. The finger/thumb gets stuck in a bent position when flexed. It then straightens with a ‘snap’ – like a trigger of a gun being pulled and released. The medical term is a ‘stenosing tenosynovitis’. This essentially implies there is a narrowing of the tunnel (known as the sheath) that the tendon slides through. This is normally due to thickening of the retinaculum and/or swelling and inflammation of the tendon. In severe cases, the finger or thumb may be locked in a bent position and will require significant force to straighten it. This is often very painful.
Treatment of trigger finger and trigger thumb varies depending on the severity. If the pain is severe or the finger/thumb is stuck in a flexed position an ultrasound guided steroid injection is recommended. A diagnostic ultrasound scan is carried out before an injection is performed to confirm the diagnosis and identify the exact reason for your trigger finger or thumb. Following an injection, the triggering should stop within 2-3 days. Repeat steroid injections can be carried out for trigger finger/thumb. Surgery is reserved for those that do not improve with injections.
What are the symptoms of trigger finger and trigger thumb?
The symptoms of trigger finger and trigger thumb are:
- Pain, tenderness and swelling on the palm side of your finger/thumb
- A “clicking” or “catching” sensation when trying to move the finger/thumb (it may even get stuck in a bent position if severe)
- Pain when you press on it
If this sounds like your pain, read on…
What other conditions can mimic trigger finger and trigger thumb?
If this does not sound like your pain there are other conditions that can mimic the pain of trigger finger and trigger thumb such as:
- Osteoarthritis of the wrist
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Osteoarthritis of the thumb
- Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tear
- Scapholunate ligament injury
- Dupuytren’s contracture
Trigger finger and thumb vs Dupuytren’s contracture
Trigger finger and thumb causes the finger to get stuck or trapped and often requires some force to straighten it back up. Whereas Dupuytren’s contracture is due to tightness and thickening of the fascia in the palm of the hand, which causes the fingers to flex, particularly of the ring and little finger. Trigger fingers are normally able to straighten, even if external force is required, but in Dupuytren’s contracture the fingers are unable to straighten, even with help from your other hand.
What is Trigger Finger & Trigger Thumb?
Trigger finger describes the painful locking and clicking of the flexor tendon on the finger as it passes under the fibrous pulleys of the hand and finger. This condition is most commonly seen in patients from middle age and elderly patients. The onset is typically gradual and may start with a small painful bump at the base of the finger. Over time the finger may begin to click and eventually may becomes stuck fast in a flexed (bent) position.
Patients often describe waking in the morning with the finger bent down towards the palm of the hand which they then have to painfully pull on the finger to straighten.
Unfortunately, as the tendon and the pulley become more irritated and inflamed, moving the finger tends to cause further irritation. For this reason the condition often tends to worsen becoming more painful and causing more difficulties in functional use of the hand.
Fingers most commonly affected are the thumb, middle and ring finger. The condition is more common in patients with diabetes and other endocranial and metabolic disorders. It may be associated also with patients work (carpenter or electricians) or leisure activities (climbers or racket sports) which involve lots of gripping and strenuous activities using the hands and upper limb such as climbers. The first line of treatment might be activity modification in these cases, however even then symptoms can take a very long time to settle. Physiotherapy advised exercises and stretches can sometimes help, but unfortunately many patients find that their symptoms persist.
Treatment of Trigger Finger using Steroid Injections
Ultrasound guided steroid injection can be extremely useful for this condition. A small volume of corticosteroid can be deposited immediately adjacent to the area of thickening affecting the tendon and pulley. Studies show a very high success rate following just a single injection of corticosteroid in resolving this condition. Occasionally a second injection may be required, so we recommend leaving at least 4-6 weeks between these injections.
Some potential risks and side effects of steroid injections are listed here, and more information about the treatment can be found here. Because doses used for this condition are very low, the side effects are typically minimal. Because it is a superficial injection and we are injecting close to a tendinous structure we will advise you on the most appropriate corticosteroid in order to minimise risk to local soft tissue structures. There may be a risk of some temporary localised depigmentation (lightening of skin colour) and fat atrophy (dimpling cause by temporary thinning of fat just below the skin).
In order to book an ultrasound guided injection for trigger finger or trigger thumb please call 020 7482 3875. We do not require a medical referral. Patients may refer themselves, and we accept referrals from any other healthcare professional.
Other Wrist & Hand conditions:
Osteoarthritis (OA) wrist joint
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Osteoarthritis of the thumb
Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC)
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Scapholunate ligament injury (pain in the wrist)
If you have have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us on info@complete-physio.co.uk.