Dr Sandeep Khosla – Injection Therapist

Dr Sandeep Khosla
(MbChB, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, Dip SEM, PG cert MSK sonography)
QUALIFICATIONS: General practitioner with special interest in sports medicine
Dr Sandeep Khosla has been practising as a doctor in the NHS for the last 30 years. He is a partner at the Lister House Surgery, Derby. During that time, he has been involved in training junior doctors and a clinical lead for commissioning local services in Derby.
Dr Khosla has worked as a team doctor for his beloved local football team, Derby County, for the last 10 years. He has also been working in the community musculoskeletal service in Derby for the NHS during this time. He completed his diploma in sport and exercise medicine in 2017. He has obtained his post graduate certificate in MSK ultrasound. He is also a trainer for pitchside trauma at the English Football Association.
Sandeep has been providing joint injections within the NHS and musculoskeletal service for over 20 years. He developed an interest in the use of ultrasound for diagnostic purposes and joint injections whilst involved in football. He has found outcomes for success following an injection guided by ultrasound are far superior to normal landmark guided injections. It is hugely rewarding to get feedback from patients where significant improvements to pain and function have been made following an ultrasound guided injection.