Frequently asked questions
Here is a list of common questions asked by our patients.
If you have a specific question you would like to ask before making an appointment please do not hesitate to contact us.
As a general guide, it is suggested that patients have no more than a maximum of three steroid injections into the same anatomical location within a 12-month period. Read more
Patient’s often ask us how long a steroid injection is going to take to work.
For further information regarding corticosteroid injection and COVID-19 please click here
At Complete Injection we do not require a medical consultant’s or a GP’s referral in order for you to access our services. However, we may sometimes need to speak to your doctor or ask you to obtain further information from your GP to ensure that it is medically safe to proceed. Read more
On the vast majority of occasions, people have minimal levels of pain following the injection. However, we suggest that where possible you have a friend or family member drive you to the appointment or you attend via public transport. Read more
We ask patients to provide written consent for ultrasound guided injections as this is an invasive procedure and involves the use of prescription-only medications. We feel it is important that patients are fully aware of any potential risks and side effects relating to their injection treatment. Read more
Many patients accessing our services wish to have an injection prior to going away on holiday. We have written a blog to help you understand the optimal time prior to your holiday that you should look to attend for your injection. Read more
We have provided a list of all the common conditions for which we provide steroid injection. However, if you cannot see the condition that you have been diagnosed with on our list, please contact us and we can discuss with you if we are able to offer you appropriate treatment. Read more
Whilst steroid injections are potent anti-inflammatory painkillers, there are a range of reasons why they will be given for different conditions. Sometimes a steroid injection can be curative, whereas in other situations a steroid injection will provide a window or opportunity to help you exercise and rehabilitate. Read more
We provide a list of common side effects and risks, along with the consent form. However, if you have any further questions, or you would like to have further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy to provide you with further information about any concerns that you may have.
The response to steroid injection can be variable and depends on a number of factors. Typically, steroid injections will give pain relief from between six weeks to six months. Read more
One of the most common questions we get asked by patients considering an injection is ‘can steroid injections cause arthritis?’. Arthritis here refers to ‘osteoarthritis’ which is the medical term for ‘wear and tear’ or degenerative changes within the tissues. Read more
We can usually offer injections to patients who are still breastfeeding – the Breastfeeding network provide specific information and guidance in relation to steroid injections whilst breastfeeding